Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar at J-PARC

(J-PARC 素粒子原子核セミナー)

DATE: 2017 Mar. 12th. 11:00-12:00

PLACE: J-PARC Research Build. 2F Large Conference Room

TITLE: English Future QCD facility at SPS(CERN) extracted beams


Prof. Oleg Denisov (INFN-Torino and CERN)

CONTACT: Dr. Kazuya Aoki,

Possibility to use high intensity secondary beams at the SPS M2 beam line in combination with the worlds largest polarized target, large liquide hydrogen and various nuclear targets create a unique opportunity for universal experimental facility to study previously unexplored aspects of meson and nucleon structure, QCD dynamics and hadron spectroscopy.
High intensity hadron (pion dominated) beams already made COMPASS the world leading facility for hadron spectroscopy and  hadron structure study through Drell-Yan production of di-muon pairs. High intensity muon beams, previously used for unique semi-inclusive and exclusive hard scattering programs, make possible proton radius measurement in muon-proton elastic scattering and and further development of polarized exclusive hard scattering program.